5 things to look for when choosing an executive search partner
When in need for an outstanding candidate able to fill top management positions in your company, or when your company is going through changes and it needs the right human capital counselling, an executive search team is the best add-on to your efforts. To make sure your choice fits the needs of your organizations, check if the selected partner has:
- The right team and expertise to understand your company’s scope of business, industry, activity, as well as organizational culture
- An approach that fits your expectations, resources and available time
- The necessary complementary tools and know-how to help you further develop and implement your human capital strategy
- The discretion, availability, and kindness to be there for you whenever you need their advice and support in making the right decisions
- But most importantly, talk to the Consultant or project team and evaluate if they click with you and have similar values and perceptions as you do.
Once you have made your decision, make sure that you allocate attention and enough time towards the project team in order to make sure your vision has been understood. Filling important management positions can only be successful if all decision makers and influencers are on board from the beginning and when you become an active part of the Executive Search team who is representing your company.
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